19/04/2012 | Política Educativa

9º Congresso Mundial de EDUCAÇÃO - IX World Education Congress

Dear CADEICE members,

It is with great pleasure that we announce you the celebration of the IX World Education Congress, organised by ACADE and COMEP, to be held in Madrid, the 19-20 of April.

To know everything about this event, please visit: worldeducationcongress2012.

It will be a pleasure to our Organisation to have you with us, and we ask you to pass out this information among all members of your Associations, so that together we can make this Conference a great succes..

Don't hesitate to contact Ana Salas if you have any question..
Looking forward to seeing you all in Madrid.

Ana Salas
Directora Dpto. Relaciones y Servicios Institucionales
Telf. 91 550 01 02/Fax. 91 550 01 22
C/ Ferraz, 85, 28008 Madrid